The establishment collaborates actively and very simple via our Project "Piggy Solidarity".
You can request a piggy bank here.
Straight Martinez Dental ClinicWall Ride, 15
50600 Ejea De Los Caballeros, Saragossa
976 67 75 64
The establishment collaborates actively and very simple via our Project "Piggy Solidarity".
You can request a piggy bank here.
Straight Martinez Dental Clinic
Continue to work on whatever it takes in Martinez Smooth Dental Clinic. Always supporting my cousin Maria Isabel and all of you. Keep fighting because this is worth.
(The direction is the wall ride 15 y el telefono: 976677564)
Thank you very much to the dental clinic Martinez Straight, for their invaluable support… Thanks from APINME and thanks from Maria Isabel. We corrected and data… Together we will get!