
Coliseum Atarfe – SpeedStyle Benefico

  Pilots: Dani Torres, Maikel Melero, Eugenio Zafira, Raul Lerena, Pedro Moreno, Gabriel Leon Carlos Toledano Villada, Abraham Parra, Hugo Amanzu, Ruben Romero. Signed Gifts of the best drivers, Sweepstakes, Goodie… Admission 20 € Donations Row 0: 2100-0760-52-0200150223 Sell ​​Tickets : The English court, Coliseum box office, Motorcycle shops. Highlights Santafe: at The Ironworks […]


Freestyle in collaboration with APINME

The freestyle to be held on 22 December 2012 in the sports hall , collaborate with Apinme. Here you have the event poster,outlets listed below: Information